Prak AI
Save 90% of teacher's time by AI Grading & Assessment Generation.
Help Students learn Better, Faster, and Smarter.
The Future of AI Education Is Here Book Your Demo!
Fast and Seamless
AI Grading & Assessment
Generation Assistant
Prak AI automates generating assessment and grading with lightning speed, enabling teachers to provide feedback quickly.
Learning journey for students
Teachers and students gain access to detailed analytics that uncover strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a more informed educational approach.
Deep Insights into
Student Performance
Gain valuable insights into user behavior, model performance, and more. Our platform provides actionable data to refine your machine learning models.
Trusted by the
educators & students across India
Provide value to teachers by letting
Prak AI do its magic
The Teacher Experience That Eliminates Redundant Work
Prak AI transforms grading into a seamless and efficient process, allowing teachers to focus more on teaching and less on paperwork. With our sophisticated AI-driven platform, experience these key benefits:
Automated Grading in < 30 seconds
Support for 50+ Subjects and 30 + Languages
Real-time dashboard and analytics to provide for studnets
The Learning Experience Tailored for Student Success
Prak AI reshapes how students interact with educational content, promoting an immersive and adaptive learning environment. With our advanced AI-driven tools, students can enjoy these transformative benefits:
Personalized Learning Paths
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